Hi, I'm Aaron Loh!

I'm a passionate full stack developer with a recent milestone: our team's project, LureLore, was named a top 12 finalist out of 240+ projects at Hack the North 2024, Canada's biggest hackathon! This success has fueled my drive to create innovative solutions and expand my skills further. Over the past year, I've participated in multiple hackathons, including in-person events and a Microsoft AI learning hackathon, each experience deepening my expertise and creativity. Currently, I'm enhancing my full stack skills through IBM's online courses and developing a React Native app, "Habits Together," for collaborative habit tracking. A new portfolio showcasing my recent projects is also in the works. My journey in tech is driven by a constant eagerness to learn, create, and innovate, and I'm excited to bring this passion and growing skillset to new challenges and opportunities.


Stack Overflow

Essential problem-solving tool :)


Research Assistant Co-op

MscCert (McMaster Centre for Software Certification)

May 2023 - August 2023 | Hamilton, ON


LureLore (Hack the North 2024 Finalist)

  • Developed an innovative fishing companion app that secured a top 12 finalist position out of 240+ projects and 1000+ participants at Canada's biggest hackathon
  • Built a full-stack web application using React, Three.js, and Express.js, featuring an immersive 3D virtual aquarium UI and interactive map for catch location sharing
  • Implemented advanced features including real-time data management with MongoDB and user authentication for enhanced community engagement
  • Integrated Google's Gemini AI API for image classification and dynamic story generation, enabling automated fish species identification and personalized content creation

Carelink (Deltahacks X)

  • Created a web app to better connect patients with their caregivers, helping them feel less isolated. Used react for front end, openAI to summarize daily patient input into a concise report, and email js to contact caregivers

Google Hungry (Western Product Design Sprint)

  • Created a working prototype on Figma for a new google product that enabled users, specifically those with dietary restrictions, to easily find nearby food tailored for them

Access Abilities (Microsoft Hackathon)

  • Created a web app for visually or hearing impaired people that enables them to translate seamlessly along with read the emotion in ones voice (and soon facial emotion too) Utilizing react, google translate, open cv, Azure mongo db. Made during Microsoft AI learning hackathon

Habits Together (Buildspace S5)

  • A mobile app that lets people track their habits with their friends (such as daily leetcode 😊) Sign up here!


Aaron once fixed a bug so fast, the bug apologized for existing.
"Legend has it that Aaron can turn coffee into code with a single sip."
Aaron’s code is so efficient, it makes a Swiss watch look like a sundial.